Intro to Nose Work (1)
Introduce you and your dog to the exciting sport of K9 Nose Work. In this class, your dog will learn “the game:” searching for hidden treats using his/her nose alone. The focus is on simple box drills that will allow your dog to develop his or her natural scenting abilities, identify when “the game is on” and build interest, enthusiasm and confidence to work independently. Goals of the class are to develop the dog’s independence, hunt drive, confidence, and problem solving skills. Handlers learn to read their dogs behavior by observing what they look like when encountering odor.
Prerequisite: None
Dogs must be comfortable waiting in a crate between turns. High food motivation is beneficial for this class.
Intro to Nose Work (2)
This class focuses on continuing to build the dog's drive to search and their stamina for longer searches. While still using high-value treats, this class will introduce teams to more complex searches as seen in trial “elements” – interior, exterior, vehicle, and container. Focus will be on developing search patterns, and startline routines while continuing to build on the core goals of independence, hunt drive, confidence, and problem solving. The handler will continue to develop their observation skills. Leash handling skills will be introduced.
*Some classes will be held off site..
Prerequisite: Intro to Nose Work 1 or instructor approval.
Dogs must be comfortable waiting in a crate between turns.
Intro to Odor
This class marks a critical phase of the handler and dog’s nose work development as we return to boxes to introduce dogs to the competition target odors – birch, anise, and clove. At this stage, handlers begin to participate in their dogs' searches in a new way with focus on reward delivery and understanding the stages of odor obedience: recognition, decision, and communication. Scent theory will be introduced.
Prerequisite: Intro to Nose Work 2 or instructor approval.
Dogs must be comfortable waiting in a crate between turns.
Nose Work - Novice Skills
Teams will drill down on skills that will prepare them for trialing: startline routine, leash handling, pairing/unpairing; reward delivery, “staying at source,” and handler mechanics. Exercises will be geared toward strengthening “odor obedience” in preparation for the NACSW Odor Recognition Test (ORT). Various competition venues will be discussed including understanding trial progression. Skills may vary depending on students’ needs and experience. Due to the importance of the foundational skills introduced in NW Novice Skills, this class is intended to be repeated, as needed. Non-competitors are welcome.
*Some classes will be held outdoors.
Prerequisite: Intro to Odor or instructor approval.
Dogs must be comfortable waiting in a crate between turns.
Nose Work - Continuing Skills
Teams will further develop the dog’s motivation to pursue as hides become more complex. Significant challenges will be introduced, such as multiple hides, moving on from found hides, converging odor problems, mixed container types with or without distractions, elevated and inaccessible hides, hide placement problems, blank search areas, etc. Handlers will learn how to assess search areas and how to develop strategy using virtual walkthroughs. Handlers will continue to build their dog-observational and leash handling skills. Skills taught may vary depending on students’ needs and experience. Due to the importance of the foundational skills introduced in NW Intermediate Skills, this class is intended to be repeated, as needed. Non-competitors are welcome.
*Some classes will be held off site.
Prerequisite: Nose Work Novice Skills or instructor approval.
Dogs must be comfortable waiting in a crate between turns.
Nose Work - Advanced Skills
Teams will explore challenges that arise in advanced searches (suspended hides, close proximity hides, bigger search areas, higher hides, longer searches). Focus will be on developing efficiency, speed and accuracy through timed searches. Handlers will learn how to keep track of search area coverage, how to handle time pressure, and knowing when to call “finish” in an area with an unknown number of hides. Skills taught may vary depending on students’ needs. Non-competitors are welcome.
*Some classes will be held off site.
Prerequisite: Nose Work Continuing Skills or instructor approval.
Dogs must be comfortable waiting in a crate between turns.
AKC Scent Work - Handler Discrimination
Instead of finding a botanical odor, have fun with your dog finding your own odor! A great class for Obedience enthusiasts looking to build on their Utility skills and earn titles in a different sport. Your dog will learn to differentiate between your individual odor and that of anyone else.
Prerequisite: Basic manners class. Dogs need to be able to remain quietly in a crate while waiting for their turn.
AKC Scent Work - Buried Hides
Come experience the new search regulations now in effect for Buried Hide searches. Water and sand will be used. Distractions will be added. Level of instruction will depend on the skill level of the enrolled teams.
Prerequisite: Dog must already be on Odor and have had some experience in either NACSW or AKC Scent Work class.
Leash Handling Skills
Team handling techniques for on and off leash work as well as search strategies and tactics. Develop and improve handler leash-handling and observational skills. Build team confidence working search areas both on and off leash.
When should I use a leash? How long of a leash? How does my dog search on and off leash? What is my role as a handler during an on or off leash search?
Teams will learn to navigate more intricate and challenging scenarios both on and off leash, short and long lines.
Weather permitting, classes may meet at locations around the White Plains area. Students will be given notice ahead of time regarding where and when to meet. Classes may train outside in all weather, be prepared to make your dog safe and comfortable.
Prerequisite: Completed through or proficient skills satisfying "Odor Foundation" or proficient in skills (determined by instructor)
Container Skills
This fun session will cover observation skills, leash handling, game drills, exposure to environment. Goal is to bring drive and excitement back to containers. Containers are trial appropriate and will include cardboard boxes, plastic shoe boxes, and toolboxes. Weather permitting, some classes will be held outdoors and off site.
Prerequisite: Dogs must be on odor.
Tight Spaces
Small search areas present unique challenges. This class will present opportunities to refine skills needed to search in cluttered, small, and/or tight spaces. Learn how to move in a small area to best support your dog. Teams will learn how to effectively and efficiently maneuver in narrow passages (for example, between two cars) without overlooking anything. Handlers will be coached on how to best move their dog on in a small cluttered area after one hide is found. Unobtrusive leash handling will be practiced.
Weather permitting, classes may meet at locations around the White Plains area. Students will be given notice ahead of time regarding where and when to meet. Classes may train outside in all weather, be prepared to make your dog safe and comfortable.
Prerequisite: Dogs must be on odor
Large Spaces
This class will present opportunities to refine skills needed to search in large open spaces with tight time limits. Learn how to move in a large area to best support your dog. Teams will learn how to effectively and efficiently maneuver without overlooking anything. Off lead/long lead handling will be practiced.
Weather permitting, classes may meet at locations around the White Plains area. Students will be given notice ahead of time regarding where and when to meet. Classes may train outside in all weather, be prepared to make your dog safe and comfortable.
Prerequisite: Dogs must be on odor.
Skills Achievement Challenge Prep
This class will prepare you for the various skills that the nose work team needs to demonstrate in the annual NACSW Skills Achievement Challenge. Exercises will be modified according to the skill level of the team.
Prerequisite: Dogs must be on odor.