Hand Stacks for Show Dogs includes:
How to hand stack your dog
when to use Bait
showing your dogs mouth to the judge
drills for speed and efficiency
negotiating the show ring, examinations on ground, table and ramp, and ring-time management
Presenter: Fran Hellman
Fran Hellman, CPDT-KA, has been an owner-handler for over 30 years. She has enjoyed numerous wins with both her homebred and acquired dogs, some of which include: Best of Breed, Group placements, Best of Winners, Best Veteran, Best Puppy in Show, and Best Owner/Handler. She has on occasion handled dogs for other owners.Fran has also trained several dogs to various AKC performance titles and has certified several therapy dogs.
Location: Lower Level, PCOTC, 2:30PM-4:30PM
Single Workshop Pricing: Working Spot $65; Audit Spot $45. Deadline to register is 10/17/21
Discount Bulk Pricing: Sign up for all 4 classes in our Fall Breeding Handling Series in one single transaction by 9/12/21 to receive a multi-class discount
The 4 classes are: Foundation Skills for Show Dogs (9/19), Hand Stacks for Show Dogs (10/24), Free Stacks for Show Dogs (11/21), How to teach Puppies and Adult dogs to move Properly on a Show Lead (12/5)
Cost: Working Spot $245 total (includes a $15.00 discount if signed up for all 4 Workshops.) Audit Spot $165.00.00 (includes $15.00 discount if signed up for all 4 Workshops)
These workshops are limited to 20 working spots and 20 auditing spots
FMI contact Fran Hellman sunjaysgrs@aol.com 845-234-1645