PCOTC offers Therapy Dog Certification Preparation classes throughout the year. As the course title suggests, handlers/owners and their dogs are trained to become therapy dog teams, certified and insured for visits in hospitals, schools, libraries, assisted living residences, nursing homes and many other types of facilities. PCOTC’s certifying partner is Intermountain Therapy Animals, one of the most respected organizations of its kind in the United States. Standards are high, spirit is welcoming, support is prompt and thorough. 

In order to attend classes, teams must pass an approximately 25-minute screening conducted about 2-3 weeks before registration for the next session opens. Screening and class times and dates are posted here on the website several weeks in advance. We are looking for compassionate, understanding humans, and obedient, calm, people-loving dogs. There are no restrictions on breeds or gender. Dogs must be at least 18 months of age to become certified, and not older than 13 years. 

We have several types of medical equipment (wheelchair, crutches, etc.) at our facility to help the dogs become acquainted with them.

While many dogs can learn to handle the distractions of medical equipment and people with different abilities, there is one aspect of therapy dog work that cannot be taught: the dog's natural temperament. The dog must truly like people and like being around them even at close quarters.

Note: In our online registration system, Therapy Dog Certification Prep classes are included with Family Manners.

Please enjoy this short video featuring our Therapy Dog instructor George Berger!